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June 26, 2023

056. The 3 things you didn’t know you needed to know that could save your life and your business!

056.  The 3 things you didn’t know you needed to know that could save your life and your business!

Ready to jumpstart your path to wellness?  Get ready to embark on a transformative journey to holistic well-being with Teri and their extraordinary guest, Wendie Pett, a revered natural path and holistic health expert, while she unveils her...

Ready to jumpstart your path to wellness? 

Get ready to embark on a transformative journey to holistic well-being with Teri and their extraordinary guest, Wendie Pett, a revered natural path and holistic health expert, while she unveils her captivating "conquer and layer approach" that guides women aged 40-65 toward optimal health. Discover the power of REACH, the secret acronym fueling positive change, as Wendie unravels its mysteries. From nourishing meals with vibrant greens to the art of hydrating wisely and the benefits of taking short breaks and engaging in physical activity, Wendie's ingenious tips will revolutionize your wellness game. Brace yourself for a dose of self-forgiveness and a liberating reminder to embrace your unique gifts. 

Get ready for an awe-inspiring conversation that will leave you invigorated and eager to conquer new heights of well-being.


[00:01 - 07:41] Prioritizing Health to Unlock Business Success and Personal Growth

  • Wendie Pett, a respected expert in health and well-being, is introduced by Teri, as a valuable contributor to the discussion
  • Wendie Pett's focus is on serving women between the ages of 40 to 65, offering holistic solutions for their health concerns
  • They emphasize the importance of prioritizing one's health and energy to achieve optimal performance in business
  • Health is portrayed as true wealth, with the absence of it hindering business success and personal growth
  • The significance of education and understanding the deeper motivations behind healthy choices is emphasized as a pathway to sustainable lifestyle changes


[07:42 - 17:18] Essential Tips for Health and Business Success

  • The need for guidance and simplification in a world filled with overwhelming messages and information is emphasized
  • Wendie explains three fundamental and often forgotten things that can save lives and improve businesses
  • 1. The Importance of getting back to basics and incorporating live-giving foods into daily meals
  • The power of putting a plant on every plate to gradually eliminate unhealthy food choices
  • 2. The significance of staying hydrated and drinking water throughout the day
  • Tips for increasing water intake, including scheduling reminders and adding natural flavors like lemon or orange wedges


[17:19 - 25:06] Unlocking the Benefits of Real Energy

  • 3. Wendie emphasizes the significance of moving one's body regularly for optimal functioning and health
  • She explains the benefits of taking short breaks and engaging in physical activity for improved mental clarity and problem-solving abilities
  • Wendie describes the REACH acronym, outlining its components: Release, Exercise, Affirmations, Choosing, and Heart, as fundamental aspects of holistic wellness
  • She also stresses the importance of addressing and releasing unhealthy emotions connected to unhealthy weight
  • Adopting a relaxed intensity approach to achieve balance and flexibility in pursuing health and well-being goals is recommended


[25:07 - 31:38] Empowering Transformation: Discovering Health and Wellness

  • Wendie Pett has a podcast called "Visibly Fit Podcast" that explores overall health and wellness and listeners are encouraged to connect and listen to it for inspiration and deeper insights into health and wellness
  • Teri highly recommends Wendy's services for individuals who are tired of their current situation and want to show up as the best version of themselves.
  • Wendie expresses gratitude for Teri's empowering influence on women's lives and businesses, acknowledging her support and visionary leadership
  • The heart behind it - loving yourself through God's eyes
  • Health and wellness are not just physical but also mind, spirit, and emotions


Connect with Wendie!

You can find her on LinkedIn, and Facebook

Visit her webpage

Grab Wendie's Green Drink recipe here »

Check out her podcast and get the REACH worksheets here »

Get Wendie's FREE 7 day workout and meal plan at »

Book a Call with Wendie Here »



"And so health and wellness isn't just the physical, it is so much more the mind and the spirit and the emotions." - Wendie Pett

"The holistic approach is having the lifestyle of health and wellness and coming together in a place of just loving yourself just as God would love you." - Wendie Pett


If you’re feeling disconnected and looking for a place to plug in – we would LOVE to connect with YOU and have you as a guest at our VIRTUAL Gathering! We meet each week to network, collaborate, encourage each other, and discuss strategies to grow our businesses. Just go to to pick your date and get registered!

Wendie PettProfile Photo

Wendie Pett


For over two decades, Wendie Pett has been motivating people to make fitness and good nutrition part of their daily routine. She teaches the balance of mind, body and spirit through her Visibly Fit™ wellness program.

Wendie is a full-time business owner, a naturopathic doctor, wife, mother, author, speaker, international TV host of her own show reaching 75 million households, podcaster of the Visibly Fit and Your Biggest Breakthrough shows, advisory board member for Christian Women in Media and part-time volunteer. Her business and passion consist of whole-food/plant-based wellness coaching, emotional healing, personal online training, fitness planning, educational and motivational speaking, and creating new products/tools to assist clients along their wellness journey.

It was after a major injury to her shoulder, she resorted to body weight resistance exercises for strength and healing and hasn’t turned back to any other form of training since. She has helped countless others reach their fitness and health goals without ever compromising their joints, tendons, or ligaments - teaching that Your Body Is Your Gym™ and instilling new diet habits that have shown to reverse multiple diseases and allow people to get off medications. To learn more go to